Natural History Art & Science Illustration
I regularly contribute to the Field Notes section of Edible Alaska Magazine, published quarterly. I create illustrations, recipes, and notes about harvesting and cooking with wild plants in Alaska.
Digital illustrations using pen or pencil and photoshop.
I regularly contribute to the Field Notes section of Edible Alaska Magazine, published quarterly. I create illustrations, recipes, and notes about harvesting and cooking with wild plants in Alaska.
Digital illustrations using pen or pencil and photoshop.
Making Kraut-Chi
A guide to fermenting wild greens and garden vegetables (with a couple of pantry additions). Fall 2019 issue.
Making Bitters
How to make your own bitters using bitter roots, aromatic herbs, mild bitters, and other flavors you might have in your pantry or kitchen. Winter 2019 Issue.
Edible Wild Greens
An illustrated field guide to some common wild edible greens in Alaska and notes on how I like to use and cook with them. Spring 2020 issue.
Wild plants for Adventure
How to bring wild plants on your next adventure - teas, dried greens, a homemade cracker recipe, and foraging along the way. Summer 2020 issue.